August Legislative Update
Legislative Update
Thanks to all who attended the annual summer FRS conference in Orlando. As you all are well aware campaign season is well underway.
During my presentation at the summer board meeting, I made my annual plea for financial contributions to the FRS PAC as it is a very important piece of my being able to help radiologists get their message across in the state Capitol.
In addition, I asked for radiologists who were willing to act as a resource for helping patients navigate the ever changing and complicated healthcare system to share their contact information with me. This is a very valuable commodity as you are “the doctor’s doctor “ and often folks need help on what they need to do next or access to medical facilities.
Please, if you are willing to participate, it would be greatly appreciated. Email your contact information to me at:
Thanks to all who have already contributed to the PAC and shared your contact information.
I greatly appreciate your support.
Alison Dudley
Lobbyist, FRS